
  1. Top
  2. To Our Shareholders and Investors
  3. Notice/Disclaimer

Out of our current plans, forecasts, strategies, beliefs, etc. that are posted on this website, those that are not historical facts are forecasts concerning future business results, which are obtained from currently available information. Because they are forecasts that we judge based on such information, they contain potential risks and uncertainties.
Please be aware that actual results may differ from these forecasts due to various factors.
Therefore, please refrain from making investment decisions based entirely on these business forecasts only.

In addition, please note that although we have paid close attention to the contents, we are not responsible for any errors, etc. caused by mistakes in the information posted or the downloading of data, etc.

This website is not intended for soliciting investment, but for the purpose of providing general IR information, so please make decisions related to investment at your own discretion.