Message from the President

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  2. Message from the President

Bringing together the aspirations of all executives and employees, we will continue to create dreams of a better future.

Seiichi Enomoto
Representative Director, President and COO

Based on our Group Vision, we will help build a sustainable society through our corporate activities.

The Happinet Group provides “happiness networking.” By creating new entertainment styles, we bring a wide range of delights to people, creating dreams for a better future. It is with this Group Vision that Happinet operates its business.
 The vision expresses the Group’s desire to demonstrate our value to society as a corporate group that enriches the lives of millions of people through its entertainment business that inspires people, building value for society by creating dreams of a better future. Indeed, we have strived to improve our corporate value by ensuring that each and every employee is always mindful of this idea to bring about our vision.

 In recent years, the business environment surrounding us has been rapidly changing and I believe it is imperative that we demonstrate our management capabilities, which combine flexibility and agility, more than ever before. Furthermore, the role required of companies in realizing a sustainable society is also evolving, meaning that initiatives from a medium- to long-term perspective are becoming increasingly important. Under these circumstances, in FY 2022, ended March 31, 2023, the Happinet Group formulated its Sustainability Policy and identified six materialities with the aim of realizing a sustainable society and further enhancing the corporate value of the Group. Going forward, we will not only promote awareness of these materialities internally, but we will also integrate them into our business and management strategies, formulating targets and KPIs for each issue to promote initiatives.

 We will continue to promote our business with an awareness of the environment, society, and governance to increase our corporate value so that we can become a company of benefit to all in society. To this end, I would like to ask all our stakeholders for their continued support in the period ahead.