The Happinet Group’s Materialities

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The Happinet Group’s Materialities


Materiality Designation Process

①Issue Identification

Based on the IIRC international integrated reporting framework; international guidelines such as the GRI and SASB; FTSE, MSCI and other ESG rating agency indices; and SDG issues, we identified candidate issues (sustainability issues) with regard to our sustainable growth.


②Determination of Each Issues’ Importance

We evaluated the 34 sustainability issues we had identified based on a five-level scale of their importance to the Happinet Group. Taking into account the risks and opportunities they posed to our business activities, we considered each issue based on its impact on us and society, creating a matrix map to determine their importance. In creating our map, we also incorporated the results of employee surveys, stakeholder wishes, and the evaluations of outside organizations.


③Consideration by the Sustainability Committee

We engaged in repeated consideration of the issues based on the content of our evaluation of their importance, with the Sustainability Committee, which we established in April 2022, playing a central role. Finally, we arrived at six materialities (important issues). We then began formulating initiatives and schedules for each of our companies in accordance with each draft materiality.


④Materiality Designation

With the approval of the Board of Directors, we officially designated the six materialities and determined relevant initiatives for our Mid-term Management Plan (FY 2022–FY 2024). We will be working to improve upon and resolve these issues in coordination with our Mid-term Management Plan.
